
This page will be a place where I share my publishing plans and goals.



Project Name: TBD

Description: Book 2 in the Echoes of Ascension series.

Progress: Draft 1 - 29% Completed

Release Date: 31 December 2024

Format: eBook, Paperback, Hardcover

Project Name: When They Whisper Hardcover Edition

Description: Release Hardcover edition of When they Whisper

Progress: N/A

Release Date: 31 December 2024

Format: Hardcover

Project Name: Bookbub Deal

Description: Bookbub deal for second book launch to help with author visibility.

Progress: N/A

Due Date: Q4



Project Name: Galaxis Chronicles Volume II

Description: Galaxis Chronicles Volume II - Novella 1

Release Date: TBD

Format: eBook, Paperback, Hardcover

Project Name: YouTube Channel Launch

Description: Launch YouTube channel.

Release Date: TBD



Project Name: TBD

Description: Book 3 and final book in the Echoes of Ascension series.

Release Date: 30 December 2026

Format: eBook, Paperback, Hardcover


These are projects that when we have the funds and or time would be great to implement.

  • Audiobook Creation
  • Lorebook - Illustrated novel showcasing fauna and flora in Galaxis.
  • Premium Book Editions - Partnership with premium book publish brand to launch premium versions of the novels.
  • Patreon - Community exclusive content for die hard fans and supporters.


Project Name: When They Whisper

Date May: 2023

Description: Release first novel in The Echoes of Ascension series

Progress: Completed

Release Date: 30 May 2023

Format: eBook, Paperback

Project Name: Galaxis Chronicles Volume I

Date: July 2024

Description: Collection of 4 Novellas

Progress: Completed

Release Date: 30 June 2024

Format: eBook, Paperback, Hardcover