November Update

Hey Hey, welcome to another newsletter.

A lot has happened since we last spoke. All of it is exciting. The universe has expanded with the release of Ogula and Lestion's backstory. People love Lestion btw...

I am truly grateful for all of you wonderful readers and supporters. The goal with my books is to tell hopefully interesting stories and hear back from you. The vast majority of people are very supportive and want to know different things about the universe etc. I just had to share one theory a reader who shall remain nameless shared with me.

SPOILER ALERT (For those who haven't read 'When They Whisper' yet, this section contains a few minor spoilers. Skip ahead if you still haven't read the novel.)

The reader walked up to me and with a straight face asked "Is Manfred gay?" This immediately did 2 things. Firstly I burst out into laughter, then I had an existential crisis.

I wondered if my writing was so bad that my characters were not at all as I wanted to portray them. I asked her to elaborate of course. She said that Manfred treated the poor servant girl with disdain.

While the same thing from Lestion is not treated nearly as harshly... I couldn't disagree with that logic. Well for that one scene. However throughout the rest of the novel at least I thought so, he is portrayed as this 'manly man' wanting the best for his family etc. So I was confused.

Turns out, she had stopped right after that scene... So I was happy that I could actually continue writing because the character would make sense later on in the novel. It also made me chuckle at that fan theory...

What is happening?

📕Next Book

I am hard at work with the second Novella with a planned release date end of December! The Novella titled 'The Pit' as mentioned will follow Hirtin's story and follow directly on from the first Novel. Stay tuned for that.


I am exploring the option of getting When They Whisper translated into an Audiobook, so stay tuned for that if it comes to fruition.

🌟Shiny new Coat

In the same breath, I will be re-releasing 'When They Whisper' with a shiny new coat of paint in the form of a new cover. Stay tuned for that around December.

Grab Ogula for the crazy price of Free!

As a subscriber, you have access to grab your copy for free. You can access it down below.

Final Words

Lastly, thank you again for all of the support. I love inventing new stories and worlds and you are the ones that drive me forward.

Until next month, please continue to send me your wild fan theories, I love reading about them.